Land and Housing -
Fieldsend Street, East Maitland
This new residential development in East Maitland NSW for NSW Land and Housing Corporation Department of Planning, Industry and Environment consists of eighteen new homes designed in line with the requirements of the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP 2009.
The three-storey apartment building at Fieldsend Street contains seven two-bedroom units and 11 one-bedroom units. It transformed ageing properties that were no longer fit for purpose into modern apartments for more than 20 people in need.
Materials such as face brick and lightweight cladding were deliberately selected for their durability and low maintenance, ensuring long-term sustainability for residents. Additionally, framed screened balconies were integrated to provide both privacy and passive surveillance over the street, enhancing the overall livability and security of the complex.
Moreover, this project stands out as a stellar example of design compliance with various
standards and guidelines, including the Building Code of Australia (BCA), LAHC Design Standards, and Liveable Housing Guidelines. By adhering to these regulations, the development not only meets legal requirements but also prioritizes the well-being and comfort of its inhabitants.
Located close to Greenhills Shopping District, Victoria Street Station, and the new Maitland Hospital, this $6 million project features energy-efficient lighting and solar power throughout the complex, as well as window sun hoods to reduce glare and heat in summer. New street
trees were also delivered along the property.